Happy Surrender Day Outreach


Let’s reserve a day for special observance of being triumphant over personal struggles…”Surrender Day”. 

Preamble of The Day’s Purpose is to remove self from the scenario when identifying challenges so that you can surrender your mind to an understanding based on giving and sharing love not only with those you love but with those who need love. Recognizing that this day (just like those times/days where you feel you are the person who need love) is not about you. You may be hurt, betrayed, and in pain but still, it’s not about you, your wants, your needs, your greed….but about giving love to the one who’s in need.

Outreach Understanding is that all of us are fighting the same battle…..the battle of good vs. evil. So even though we stand toe to toe in face to face battles—know (keep in mind) that we need to stand side by side in order to conquer the “good versus evil” wars. REMEMBER TO SURRENDER AND LET LOVE BE THE REASON.

The Premise is to congratulate, celebrate and learn from those who *have taken self out of the scenario to see things clearer, *have surrendered control after looking in the mirror, *have surrendered their mind to an understanding that helps them overcome personal struggles, relationship battles, dysfunctional family issues; health challenges, addictions and more, (or anyone who) *can bless others with their testimonies of surrendering.

What month and day of the month should be set aside as “Surrender Day” and why?

2 thoughts on “Happy Surrender Day Outreach”

  1. The 10th day of the month is my “Surrender Day.” June 10, 2010 was the day I stopped resisting my urge to become self-employed. On that day, I took the big of step of faith and ended unemployment by hiring me. On that day, I decided to never, ever again trust one employer/one client as my sole income source. On that day, I decided to create multiple income streams as an entrepreneur. I started from scratch…and MADE it happen with faith, prayer, and a whole lot of work! Still here. CornbreadMillionaire.com.

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