Welcome To The Works Of Qiutey Storm

WELCOME! I am excited to follow my lifelong passion to share my gift of writing.   My novel “Surrendering At The End Of The Circle”  is all about love and will introduce my style of RAW (Real & Wonderful) storytelling.  Please enjoy! I have learned a lot in this process of becoming an author, so if you need advice in any area, please feel free to follow my blog,  pick my brains, and exchange your knowledge–all for the benefit of a common goal…. Being the best we can be and offering that person for the world to see.   Whether you are a reader or writer, come back and contribute often.  On occasion I’m asked the same questions over and over so, here’s my response:

  • what steps did I take to begin writing:  I sat on my mother’s porch when my son was about 12 years old and started penciling out a story with pen and paper.  I learned the hard way that there is software (I now use Screenwriter-mainly because future plans are to turn the novel into a screenplay.  However,  Final Draft is kind of the industry standard for screenplay writing).   I’m told Microsoft Word also has a template for writing.
  • what was my most valuable information source: I stayed in the Library reading Writer’s Magazines.  Now everything is Google accessible.  Dan Poynter was my mentor in a lot of those magazines.  Now he has web presence at    http://www.parapublishing.com/sites/para/
  • what are some do’s and don’ts that I learned along the way:  Don’t stop.  Even if you stop writing for a period of time, continue at some point to complete your pages.  It took me 10 years to complete my 1st novel.  I don’t suggest that you take that long, but for me it was worth it.  Do enjoy the solitude.  I closed doors, didn’t answer the phone, created my own respite for escaping into the lives of my characters.
  • what were major challenges:  Keeping up with technology. Marketing.  Public Relations.  If you don’t do as I do and try to wear all hats, you’ll do just fine AND have time to produce more than 1 novel in 10 years. 
  • how much money did it take:  If you are self-publishing an ebook it really only takes the cost of the use of a computer and writing software.  Contact me if you are interested in FOR SALE BY AUTHOR opportunities where you retain all rights and receive 100% of all income generated.
  • what advice would I give to aspiring writers:  WRITE

Your "Real And Wonderful" connection tm