It’s a multi-use beauty supply product.  It’s a make-up bib to protect your clothes when applying make-up, it’s a hair wash cape to keep you dry when washing your hair OR GETTING your hair washed, it’s a hair comb out cape to protect you from wet hair drip and product application drip, AND it’s a head hoodie that CONTAINS your hair—perfect for drying wet hair and plopping wet hair AND helps keep down hair frizz on humid days—doesn’t matter if your hair is long, short, dreaded—shucks, even if you have a bald head—you can use it after working up a sweat at the gym.  Did I mention that it’s fashionable? –For MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES/EVERY ETHNICITY. Made of a cotton blend fabric–heavier than a t-shirt–lighter than a towel.

Original Price $29.99

Pre-Order Price $26.99 (1ea)

Pre-Order Price $25.49 (3+)

We have a limited quantity of the shown pattern in stock. Future stock will not be a pattern design. The next available design will be a solid black color. No payment required for pre-orders.

Pledge the desired quantity on the form below and we will notify you on production schedule.

Can I tell you the story behind the company mission? Even though I’m a storyteller and published author, I promise to make this story short and sweet. Anyone who has a heart will enjoy this story. The company mission is to donate 10% of net profits to support organizations and human interest groups who are in line with our initiative of having young adults be the mentors of older adults. To-Date we’re looking closely at https://bit.ly/WWPxIV – if you have any suggestions of other organizations you’d like to see supported, please share on the form below.

You can use the same form below to pledge a pre-order.

Back to our story…..We’re starting our patronage of the elderly at the same time we’re starting our RAW Thing venture because once upon a time I was a healthy, vibrant, respected and useful human being. Once upon a time I had people to take care of who appreciated and were grateful for moments and blessings shared. That part of my life brought me so much joy! Hmmm…. there’s no need for me to live in the past. As long as I breathe, my need to share love will last. I could be wrong, but I firmly believe I am not alone when I say I may have new challenges to overcome but I’m not gone……I belong. Head’s up… if anyone thinks I’m gonna quietly back out of life without living…… Well, they’re wrong. I support this story. I support the message within. I support me. AND I support others who “look like me”–That’s why it’s important for us to support those who see what I see–the need to inspire, and pay homage to the elderly.

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    The Price Of Caring

    What would you do with this?

    One Man gives it to someone, anyone he considers a friend and tells them “This is what I give to the homeless”. Later that same day (while traveling his work route with the frozen water bottle) his friend gives it to an unsuspecting homeless lady he sees sitting on a curb in the 90% heat eating a sandwich. Between pushing the bite of food to the cheeks of her mouth and smiling, she responded with a look of total surprise. Was she surprised that the water was partially frozen and nice and cold AND just what she needed to rinse that sandwich down? Was she surprised that it had a $2 bill attached?  Was she surprised that he stopped to give her anything at all? I can only imagine the many reasons she stood there beaming with joy. But what is clear to me is that one act of kindness brought joy to 4 people….the One Man who gave, the second man who received and gave, the 3rd person who received, and me. I felt the joy from hearing the story and guess what I’m gonna start doing?

    Your "Real And Wonderful" connection tm